The Sky’s The Limit

Sky Series by Eric Cahan

I came across these beautiful pictures awhile back and they keep drawing me in every time I log on the computer. I have to admit, I have a thing for clear skies and the gradual change of color over time. It’s truly awe-inspiring to stare up and watch as the shades slowly morph into a different hue.

My favorite memories involve sunsets in particular. Ending my weekly jog at the top of the hill in Kingsford to watch as the fading sun slip past the Sydney skyline, leaving a trail of dark blues above me. There were also the times in Bali where the skies were painted with glorious pinks and purples. I caught my breath every time it happened, especially when I could see the colors reflected in the cool ocean.

I love sunsets and these pictures so much that I think I’ll model my wedding color scheme around them. Yes. That would indeed be perfect. Perhaps I’ll go the full spectrum from turquoise to purple to orange and ending it in pink.

What do you think? Would it be too much of an overkill? :B