Thar she blows!

I’m back! After an extremely long hiatus, I decided to come back and post about some of my favorite things.

I’m going through choppy waters now so I thought I’d keep myself afloat by indulging in some cute thoughts and pictures. Want to join me on the ride? Let’s go!


A few nights ago I dreamt of a Narwhal. Yes. A huge, magnificent NARWHAL. What’s a Narwhal? Well, imagine if a unicorn and a killer whale had a baby. That baby would be the coolest whale on the planet.

Anyway. It was just amazing to see him break through the water, spraying a fine mist up towards the atmosphere. His smooth, gray skin was tinged pink and orange from the sunset. It was such a glorious moment, that I squealed in delight. I distinctively remember exclaiming “It’s a NARWHAL! I will write a story about a narwhal one day!”. Sigh.

Now I will have to make this dream into a reality because I don’t think my heart can rest until I’ve actually met a Narwhal.

Oh and I’m pretty sure the dream was partly because of this beautiful, almost ethereal painting. I can’t for the life of me know who it belongs to, I surely didn’t do it. If you know who the artist is, please let me know. The picture is too beautiful not to share. Oh and please don’t copy and paste this and claim it as your own.